
This last week I have been going around wondering a lot about the physiotherapy education in Vietnam, I know that there is not many schools for it but I'm wondering more about what they actually learn at this education. Yes shore it's good to have days when you go through things you learned about a long time ago, but if you have learned it then you shouldn't have to spend 3 days going trough a book looking at pictures to remember it. You can't remember everything but if you are a group of 6 people I'm shore that you together could remember it.
Especially when it comes to a thing like measuring the movement in the joints. I have the two last days spent 30-60min after lunch looking at how they try to do it, and I have come with suggestions of how they can do it but they most times just stair blindly to the book (that looks like it's at least 25 years old) and try to mimic the pictures. If it's because they don't understand me or because they trust the book more I don't know. But a thing like measuring the movement in the joints is one of the first thing you learn went you start with the practical parts and of course I have to stop up and think when it comes to some movements and some joints but in the end I can figure it out.

And If they have to stand and look through this book so thoroughly before measuring I start wondering if they teach this at the education. Also making it sound like they have to start taking measures now, for me that is something I take for granted if the range of motion in the joint is smaller then it's suppose to be.
And then the constant questions about the electro stimulations they use if I have seen them before, or used them. The questions about the excersises and how to do them. When I see them give out the few excersises I have seen them give out they are usually very hard and advanced. Making me wonder why they start with so hard exercises and they looks really strange at me when I say really simple excersises and so few to start with. 

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