Don't like me.

Good morning, or maybe not so good. My body and head doesn't really like me today, Well it didn't like me yesterday evening either. My little adventure yesterday to go to the West lake ended up in a 6h walk since I ended up walking there and back and then getting a bit lost on my way back to the hotel. So today my head is telling me that i should have been drinking more, my face that I should worn sunscreen and my leg that I should not walk for this long distance. But It was really worth it. So nice to go to a quiet place where you can't hear all the traffic from a busy Hanoi. When my parents and grandparents are coming down we are definitive going there and taking the boat out on the lake.
I would just like to spend the whole day in bed today and do nothing to just recover but i have to study so think I will go to some café and do that later =)

On the way to West lake
A part of the Historical legacy of Vietnam
I don't think there is anything that the Vietnamese can't transport on a motorbike
West lake
West lake
West lake
West lake
West lake
West lake
On my way home to the hotel


1 Malin Henriksson:


Härliga bilder Lotten! Jag längtar dit!

Men gå till West Lake - är du tokig!? :)

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