First day!

Just the fact that i got up this morning is amazing since I couldn't fall asleep yesterday and has been sleeping so bad this night. Probably cause I was nervouse about the first day at the hospital. But I got up and away to the first day at Vinmec.
The first impression when i got out of the cab was woaw this is a big hospital im gonna get lost, the second thought that went through my head when I got in to the lobby was -this looks like a hotel. I mean as soon as i got through the doors someone came up to me and asked how they could help me.They had one international disk and one disk for Vietnamese. When you have been at on of the disks their is a new person showing you were you can sit down and wait for someone to come and pic you up. 
I didn't have to go to any of these disks I just called the person I was supose to call and sat down and waited. Efter been picked up I had to go to human resources and fill in some papers, atleast one of them were in english, the others in Vietnamese but they translated it for me, was just papers to sign about confidentiality that I had to sign. After signing papers it was the clothes that was next on the list for things to do, I got a doctors coat that later during the day turned out to be wrong so I got new chlothes in the afternoon, so now I look like everyone else in the department. But I'm impressed that they found clothes that fit me, considering the sizes of the people in this country. But they did so now are my clothes haning in my very own locker. 
Third thing on the list to do this morning, being showed where to check in and out with my Vinmeci ID-card when I starts and finishing the days. I will work Monday-Saturday 8-17, seriously that's a lot and why are they working on Saturdays? I mean okey i have notice that this city never sleeps, it doesn't mather what time during the day you go out the streets are always busy. 
After all this it was finally tie to go up at meet the department I will be at for the next 7weeks. When I walked through the doors I was met up by a very nice nurse that showed me to the head of the Department and then I got to meet the Cheif physio at the department as well. Sat down and talked to them about what I wanted with this time at Vinmec and what they could do for me. I also got some general information about the health system in Vietnam and Vinmec in particular. They were both very nice and helpfull, I might not stay at Vinmec for all seven weeks cause they said that they might be able to fix so that i could go to some other hospitals as well to see. But we will see about that later. 
After this little meating I was shown around the department, I will never be able to remember all the different rooms... And the rest of the day I have just been following different physiotherapist around and watched when they work with patients. And answering a lot of questions, they are very intrested in how we do things in Sweden, but the main question has been "where are you from?" but most of them speak very good English so it's fun to have some to talk to. Sevral of them have allready told me places to go and visit and offered to guide me so that is nice. Started to feel a bit lonley at the hotel sometimes just walking the same streets every day. 
My head is so tierd after this first day, so much new people and impression but i think that these 7weeks will be really fun and instructive.
Oh yes after one day at the hospital I'm thinking about changing my focus fore the bachelor thesis. So now I have to start allover with the memo that is due in 2weeks and I was finished with the old one. Oh well this one will hopefully be more intresting. 


1 Malin Henriksson:


Den berömda Plan B :)

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