
After sleeping a few hours in the hotel yesterday (was only suppose to sleep one hour). I took myself out of the hotel room and to the night market. Witch was a really nice market with a lot of people, I found a girl that had the same map as me that I got from my hotel and she looked just as lost as me so i started talking to her.
So today we met up in the morning and has gone around visiting different tourist attractions. We have been to the Ho Chi Minh Museum, Ho Chi Minh mausoleum ( but we could just go outside it), the president residence, the house Ho Chi Minh lived in, the literature maunsoleum and the Hoam Kiem lake. So we have been around a bit.
I think out of all these places i liked the lake the most, we went now in the evening and it's dark and everything is lighted up in beautiful colors. I think that is a place i will spend a lot of time. And when we where sitting there looking at our map a group of university students came up to us and asked if we had time to talk some cause they wanted to practice their English. I mean would that ever happen in Sweden? Would you go up to someone that you heard spoke a langues you only knew a little to get to practice it? I wouldn't! The Vietnamese people that i have met so far are very friendly and helpful.

Today's realization was that out of cabs, tuctucs and motorbikes the motorbikes are the cheapest and easiest (you can easily fit 3 grown people on a motorbike), the tuctucs are the fewest and the cabs feels the safest. And we notice or rather couldn't notice and speed limit signs so no wonder the traffic is like it is down here and that it doesn't really matter witch lane you drive in.



1 Malin Henriksson:


Hej Lotten! Jag hoppas att du har det bra! Vietnam museum of ethnology är ett annat fint ställe att besöka. Där finns också ett bra fik :)

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